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Road Accident Fund Offer Administration Temporary positions 2024

Applications are open for Road Accident Fund (RAF) Offer Administration Temporary positions 2024.

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Shutting date: 25 MARCH 2024

Payment/Compensation: R96,000.00 per annum

Road Accident Fund Offer Administration Temporary positions 2024

Reason for the Entry level position: The Association is focused on youth abilities advancement by giving alumni who have finished important Public Confirmation/B Degree with an amazing chance to acquire work insight. Applications are welcomed for a temporary position from jobless alumni between the age of 18 and 23. The temporary position program will run for a time of eighteen (year and a half. The understudies will be situated at the Proposition The board Division in Johannesburg.

Follow our Whatsapp channel for additional positions without joins: Follow Here

Work based openness might incorporate the accompanying:

  • Quality Guarantee kind of deal made
  • Distinguish and address any imperfections in meeting with the originator of the deal
    Impart endorsed offer
  • Evaluate the premise of the dismissed proposition
  • Archive and transfer offers on the framework
  • Manage/and answer correspondence
  • Report on arising gambles
  • Give impromptu reports on process improvement drives
  • Getting grumblings and liaise with pertinent partners
  • Follow up and input to all partners to keep them refreshed on status of a question
    Answer inquiries inside the predefined completion times

Capabilities and Experience

  • Guaranteed Grade 12/NQF 4 level testament
  • Guaranteed duplicate of Public Recognition/B Degree/High level Certificate in Wellbeing Science or Regulation Related Capability
  • Guaranteed duplicate of your ID
  • Guaranteed duplicate of Scholastic record (Applications with no record will be wiped out)
  • Your CV and inspirational letter

Specialized and social abilities required

The fruitful competitor will be expected to show the accompanying abilities in this job:

  • Composed and verbal relational abilities
  • Relational abilities
  • Meticulousness
  • Want and potential to learn
  • Self-inspired
  • Essential PC abilities
  • Focus on errands depending on the situation
  • Cooperative person
  • The ability to understand anyone on a profound level
  • PFMA Information
  • Information on Engine Vehicle Mishap Regulation

Road Accident Fund VALUES

  • Honesty
  • Sympathy
  • Responsibility
  • Regard
  • Greatness
  • Sympathy


The understudies will be granted a month to month payment.

No hand conveyed applications will be acknowledged.

Guidance TO Planned Candidates

  1. Present a short CV and an inspirational letter concerning why your application ought to be considered with a limit of 3 pages, applications with no scholarly record won’t be thought of.
  2. Candidates are confined to just go after a limit of 3 jobs
  3. Candidates should be jobless, was never utilized in the field of the post and never partook in a temporary position program in the important field of the post already
  4. Would it be a good idea for it be found that the candidate recently filled in as an understudy and didn’t discose that data and it is found later, the candidate will be precluded.
  5. If it’s not too much trouble, note that the forthcoming workers will be exposed to security checking
  6. Just the initial 100 applications will be thought of

Click here to apply

Candidates who have not gotten any correspondence from us in the span of about a month and a half from the end date can view themselves as fruitless.

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