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Accounting clerk vacancies X9 At Department of Defence

The Department of Defence welcomes appropriately qualified possibility to apply for Accounting clerk vacancies (X9 Posts) at their Specialty.

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Shutting DATE : 17 November 2023

Accounting clerk vacancies (X9 Posts) At Department of Defence

Accounting clerk vacancies (X9 POSTS)
Division: Money The board
Boss Directorate: Spending plan The executives
Compensation : R202 233 for every annum (Level 05)

Focus : J Operations Bud Man, Assistants Operations Ref No: FMD/06/39/23/6A Pretoria
J Operations Bud Man, Blade Off Div HQ Ref No: FMD/06/39/23/6B Mpumalanga
Corp Staff FMO, MP Div FMO Ref No: FMD/06/39/23/6C, Pretoria
SA Armed force Bud Man, Order Div Ref No: FMD/06/39/23/6D, Pretoria
Armada Comd Bud Man, Order Div, Ref No: FMD/06/39/23/6E, Simons Town

Corp Staff FMO, Log Div FMO, Ref No: FMD/06/39/23/6F, Pretoria
Air Comd Financial plan The executives, Specialized Supp Sys Gp BMO, Ref No: FMD/06/39/23/6G, Pretoria
MHS, Budt Man, Region MH Structure BO, Ref No: FMD/06/39/23/6H, Pretoria
SA Armed force Infantry Development AM, Ref No: FMD/06/39/23/6I, Pretoria

Necessities : Accounting clerk vacancies

Grade 12 (NQF 4) declaration or identical with Money/Bookkeeping subjects. Added Benefit: Post Matric capability in Money/Bookkeeping. At least one year significant experience. A substantial RSA or Military driver’s permit. Exceptional Necessities (Abilities required): Fundamental correspondence, insightful, creative, critical thinking and relational abilities. Demonstrated PC proficiency (MS Office) fundamental.

Information on Departmental Monetary Administration framework (FMS)/some other monetary frameworks, report composing framework (IC), Departmental Bookkeeping, Standard Graph of Records, Traditional Help Composing and staff work fundamental. Information on Costing and Word related Wellbeing and Security (NOSA) and Inventory network The executives.

Obligations :

Provisioning of a financial plan the board administration for the medium term use system (MTEF). Help and take part in the process to foster the Yearly Execution plan monetary administration rules. Help with giving a consumption and income financial plan control administration in are of obligation. Give regulatory Monetary Administration Framework Spending plan Control capabilities. Give spending plan control strategy guidance. Execute the organization of FMS Spending plan Control capabilities.

Screen the spending plan control angles inside the area of obligation. Give and duplicate monetary reports as expected by clients. Duplicate created monetary administration reports. Convey monetary reports. Play out various routine regulatory obligations. Organization to save al monetary administration documentation for review. Requiring minutes and recordkeeping for significant gatherings and conversations.

Generation of all monetary administration documentation. Appropriation of office documentation. The directing of designated assets. Add to the help of the spending plan the board capacity. Consent to Word related Wellbeing and Security norms inside allotted offices.

ENQUIRIES : Mr L. Nagel Tel No: (012) 355 5807

The most effective method to apply:
Download Z83 Application Structure

Applications should be submitted to: Monetary Administration Division, DFSS, Vocation The board Segment, Confidential Sack X 137, Pretoria, 0001 or applications might be hand-conveyed to: Branch of Protection, Poynton building, 195 Bosman Road, Pretoria where it should be set in wooden post box 5 at Gathering.


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NOTE : Monetary Administration Division is directed by the standard of Work Value Act; thusly, every one of the arrangements will be made as per the Business Value focus of the Division. Inclination will be given to African females, African guys, white guys, Indian guys, Shaded females and Hued guys and People with Handicaps. If it’s not too much trouble, use reference number not post number

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