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X7 posts Data Capturer  Opening Wits Health Consortium

Data Capturer Opening (X7 Posts) Wits Health Consortium (Free State, South Africa).

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Shutting date: 19 December 2023

Data Capturer Opening (X7 Posts) Wits Health Consortium

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Information catching

  • Get patient documents from Clinicians for information catching on TIER.Net and DHIS.
  • Distinguish missing information, irregularities and blunders and follow-up or provide details regarding missing information or mistakes.
  • Catch private patient data.
  • Contrast information entered and source reports and make important amendments to data entered.
  • Speak with clinicians and supervisors to refresh missing data on Clinical Workmanship Writing material
  • Perform information cleaning.
  • Perform standard information reinforcement Program

Information organization

  • Record patient archives as per convention.
  • Keep up with and update patient documents.
  • Keep a powerful and proficient documenting framework.
  • Disseminate information and reports to significant colleagues.
  • Offer authoritative help for example replicating, faxing, recording, filing and so forth

Powerful self-administration and execution possession

  • Take possession and responsibility for assignments and exhibits powerful self-administration.
  • Faithfully see through to guarantee that quality and efficiency guidelines of own work are reliably and precisely kept up with.
  • Keep an uplifting outlook and answer straightforwardly to input.
  • Take possession for driving own profession advancement.

Required least instruction and preparing

  • Grade 12 with fundamental PC and it are crucial for type abilities.

Step by step instructions to APPLY:

Would it be a good idea for you be keen on applying for this opportunity, if it’s not too much trouble, send an email to vacancy17@wrhi.ac.za. The
subject heading of the email should peruse AM – Lej 019 2023 and the work title of position applying for.

Kindly incorporate the accompanying documentation:

  • An introductory letter (greatest one page) that obviously states which opening you are applying for
  • A definite CV


Requests of the gig: Exactness and capacity to fulfill time constraints


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