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SAPS Temporary position Program in the Western Cape

SAPS welcomes jobless South African youth to apply for Temporary position Program in the Western Cape.

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Shutting date: 17 May 2024

SAPS Temporary position Program in the Western Cape

The South African Police Administration thus welcomes jobless alumni who adjust to the prerequisites for a twelve a year Graduate Enrollment Plan at Western Cape Territory: The Alumni Enlistment Plan is important for the Public Human Asset Improvement System and the Public Abilities Advancement Technique.

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Nonexclusive prerequisites:

  • Be a South African resident
    Should be in control of Public Senior Authentication or same (NCV L4)
    Should have no past criminal conviction(s) or case(s) forthcoming
  • Candidates should be jobless, never utilized in the field of the promoted post and never partook in a temporary position program in the applicable field of the post
  • Candidates should be occupants of the Territory where the post is promoted
    Candidates are confined to applying for just three (3) posts and complete a different application structure for each post reference number.

Assistant classes with least prerequisites:

  • Graduate Assistant: Tertiary Capability is required
    Understudy Assistant: Reasonable experience expected by the Tertiary Foundation for students to conclude their capability (letter from the Organization not more seasoned than two (2) years should be appended).
  • NB: Allowance for every classification still up in the air by the Divisional Official: Human Asset Improvement: South African Police Administration.
  • The accompanying posts are publicized for thought as far as the Alumni Enlistment Plan in the South African Police Administration.


Crime Analysis Graduate Intern (14 Posts)

Segment: Functional Wrongdoing Investigation (Police headquarters) Ref No:
Area: Delft WC INT 01/2024
Nyanga WC INT 02/2024
Khayelitsha WC INT 03/2024
Mfuleni WC INT 04/2024
Kraaifontein WC INT 05/2024
Mitchells Plain WC INT 06/2024
Harare WC INT 07/2024
Lingelethu West WC INT 08/2024
Cleric Lavis WC INT 09/2024
Da Gamaskop WC INT 10/2024
Worcester WC INT 11/2024
Commonplace Business Wrongdoing Examination WC INT 12/2024
Cape Town Focal WC INT 13/2024
Atlantis Investigators WC INT 14/2024

Extra Prerequisites:

  • Be in control of a pertinent three (3) year Public Confirmation/Degree in Criminal science/Policing/Sociology/Social science recorded on the Public Student Record Data set (NLRD) on essentially a NQF 6 or more significant level. Information Examination course/module will be a benefit.

Center Capabilities:

  • Help with concentrating on wrongdoings around the stations’ area. Help with concentrating on the causes and effect of wrongdoing around the Station area. Help with breaking down the information to decide why the wrongdoing was carried out and track down ways of anticipating distinguish and forestall further criminal way of behaving.


Graduate Administrative Intern (7 posts)

Area: Inventory network The executives Ref No:
Area: Common HRDC George WC INT 15/2024
Common Jumping Unit WC INT 16/2024
Bothasig SAPS WC INT 17/2024
Thembalethu SAPS WC INT 18/2024
Kwanokuthula SAPS WC INT 19/2024
Philadelphia SAPS WC INT 20/2024
Sweetheart SAPS WC INT 21/2024

Extra Necessities:

  • Be in control of an appropriate three (3) year Public Confirmation/Degree in Store network The board/Operations/Transport The executives/Vehicle Armada The executives/Public Administration, recorded on the Public Student Record Data set (NLRD) on essentially a NQF 6 or more elevated level or important capability in the field of the post.

Center Capabilities:

  • Help with the delivering of general office organization administrations and backing; overseeing
  • Store network The board and Strategic issues, for instance vehicle logbooks, licenses of
  • vehicles, citations for disposable things and refreshing registers.


Graduate Administrative Intern (5 Posts)

Area: Criminal investigator Branch
Area: Kleinvlei SAPS WC INT 22/2024
Elsiesriver SAPS WC INT 23/2024
Plettenberg SAPS WC INT 24/2024
Riversdal SAPS WC INT 25/2024
Kwanongaba SAPS WC INT 26/2024

Extra Prerequisites:

  • Be in control of an appropriate three (3) year Public Certificate/Degree in Office The executives/Office Organization/Policy management recorded on the Public Student Record Data set (NLRD) on basically a NQF 6 or more significant level or applicable capability in the field of the post.

Center Capabilities:

  • Help with the delivering of general office organization capabilities in the climate, assembling of criticism, organization elements of treatment of agendas/records/messages, requiring of minutes at gatherings, helping with the refreshing of registers


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Graduate Regulatory Assistant (1 Post)

Segment: Human Asset Improvement
Area: Commonplace HRD SDF WC INT 27/2024

Extra Prerequisites:

  • Be in control of pertinent Schooling Preparing and Improvement capability ideally in Abilities Advancement or Human Asset improvement, recorded on the Public Student Record Data set (NLRD) on essentially a NQF 6 or more significant level or important capability
  • in the field of the post. Be PC proficient.

Center Capabilities:

  • Help with regulatory obligations, for example, replying of phones, taking messages, composing of letters or messages, check of data, printing of messages and dispersion. Keeping data sets according to Public Undertakings (Bursaries, Acknowledgment of Earlier Learning and Temporary jobs) Going to gatherings (taking and composing of minutes);Assist with Abilities Review concerning Preparing and Abilities Improvement of individuals.


Graduate Regulatory Understudy (1 Post)

Area: Work force The executives: Enrollment Ref No:
Area: Common PM Enrollment WC INT 28/2024

Extra Necessities:

  • Be in control of pertinent Schooling Preparing and Advancement capability ideally in HR, recorded on the Public Student Record Data set (NLRD) on essentially a NQF 6 or more significant level or important capability in the field of the post. Be PC proficient.

Center Capabilities:

  • Help with regulatory obligations like noting phones, taking messages, composing letters or messages, confirming data, printing messages, and disseminating. Keeping data sets according to Public Undertakings. Going to gatherings (requiring and composing of minutes)


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Musician Intern (2 posts)

Segment: Commonplace Band
Area: Human Asset Improvement: Band Ref No: WC INT 29/2024

Extra prerequisites:

Be in control of pertinent Grade 6 melodic capability from a licensed tertiary foundation, for instance, Unisia, Regal Schools, or Trinity School in performing on a particular military band instrument. Should show functional skill on the instrument as publicized.

Instruments required: Saxophone, Clarinet, Woodwind, Oboe: Metal instruments: Trumpet, trombone, Tuba, Euphonium, French horn; Percussion instruments: Drums, Hammer percussion, Kettle drum; Beat instruments: Console/Piano, Guitar, Bass, Drum pack and Vocals.

Center Capabilities:

  • Help with playing an essential and optional instrument as conditions direct in accordance with the SAPS mission; Partake in rehearsing and practicing exclusively in segments with the gathering or with a band; Perform with the band or any gathering inside the band Keep up with and improve relations between the SAPS and other Government Divisions at all levels, both Broadly and Universally, as well as the confidential area; Market the picture of the SAPS inside and remotely thanks to music; Viable and productive; Organization of all assets designated to the particular post climate by relevant regulation.


Motor Mechanic Intern (Petrol/Diesel Mechanic) (9 posts)

Segment: Mechanical Administrations
Area: SAPS Western Cape Carports Ref No:
Maitland Carport (3 Posts) WC INT 30/2024
Bellville Carport WC INT 31/2024
Oudtshoorn Carport (2 Posts) WC INT 32/2024
George Carport WC INT 33/2024
Beaufort West Carport WC INT 34/2024
Malmesbury Carport WC INT 35/2024

Extra Prerequisite:

  • Be in control of N2 in Engine Repairman/Mechanical Designing or N3 in Engine Specialist/Mechanical Designing/NCV level 4 in Engine Technician Diesel Repairman/Petroleum Repairman.

Center Capabilities:

  • Help with: Performing quality and savvy fixes and upkeep of SAPS vehicles. Guarantee a spotless and safe workplace. Analyze, strip, and decide the parts expected for administrations and fixes. Complete the parts demand list for the parts required per vehicle. Finish the task card with respect to work done and genuine time taken. Guarantee safe keeping of devices and gear. Conform to the Word related Wellbeing and Security Act (Act 83 of 1995).


Graduate Administrative Intern (1 post)

Area: Common Significant Occasions
Area: Common Functional Coordination Community Ref No: WC INT 36/2024

Extra Necessities:

  • Be in control of a pertinent three (3) year Public Certificate/Degree in Occasions The executives/Task The board, recorded on the Public Student Record Data set (NLRD) on basically a NQF 6 or more significant level or important capability in the field of the post.

Center Capabilities:

  • Help with the delivering of general office organization capabilities in the occasions office, treatment of uses for occasions accumulating of data set, helping with the functional preparation of occasions.


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