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FOOD Administration Vacancy at DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH

The Gauteng DEPARTMENT OF HEALTHwelcomes applications for the FOOD Administration Vacancy at their specialization.

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Shutting DATE : 27 October 2023

FOOD Administration Vacancy at DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH

FOOD Administration Help REF NO: JUB 35/2023
Directorate: Administrator and Coordinated factors
Pay : R125 373 for each annum
Focus : Celebration Locale Medical clinic

Prerequisites :

Grade 10-12. An endorsement in food readiness/cooking. a half year to 1-year openness in emergency clinic climate. Great correspondence and relational abilities. Familiarity with Batho-Pele standards. Work in a group and under tension. Be ready to work shifts, night obligation, ends of the week, and public occasions.

Obligations :

Preparing as indicated by dinner plan. Dinner serving and Dissemination of feasts to the wards. Arrangement of ordinary and helpful weight control plans. Get ready food varieties bundles. Be ready to perform routine undertakings and work food administration gear. Lifting of weighty food pails &trolleys. Apply cleanliness and security measures.

Follow arranged work plans and be ready to ease in all region in the food administration units when required. Wash dishes and all utensils utilized in the food administration units. Clean storerooms, coolers, hardware, channels and all kitchen regions. Go through ceaseless preparation and advancement.
Play out some other designated obligations by your manager.

ENQUIRIES : Ms D.P Sekgabi Tel No: (012) 717 9408

APPLICATIONS : reports should be submitted to Celebration Region Clinic Human Asset Office Private Sack X449, Hammanskraal, 0400 or hand conveyed to Stand No. 92 Celebration Street, Celebration Area Clinic.

NOTE : The application should incorporate just finished and marked new Structure Z83, reachable here

Food Administration Help.


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