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general workers

General Specialist Position At City of Johannesburg

Applications are open and progressing for the Super durable General Specialist Position At City of Johannesburg

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Shutting date: 07 November 2023

Super durable General Specialist Position At City of Johannesburg

Office: Human Settlements
BRANCH: Public Lodging System
Assignment: General Laborer
Compensation: R9 531,54 pm (fundamental compensation, barring benefits)
Area: Locale A, C, D, E, F, G

Least Prerequisites:

  • Grade 10/NQF level 2 is required;
  • a half year significant experience; and
  • General housekeeping and essential cleaning abilities.

Essential Capability
To guarantee the compelling cleaning of the premises considering all organization
prerequisites for wellbeing and security.

Key Execution Regions:

  • Keep up with the tidiness of assigned regions;
  • Keep up with the decline expulsion of assigned regions;
  • Keep up with the tidiness of gear and material administration;
  • Executing explicit manual assignments.

Driving Capabilities:

  • Capacity to peruse and compose.

Center Abilities:

  • Perform cleaning obligations;
  • Collaboration;
  • Client and Administration Conveyance The executives (Batho Pele) Morals;

City of Johannesburg

If it’s not too much trouble, observe that main internet based applications will be thought of. Kindly apply by utilizing the accompanying connection beneath:

Locale A_https://share-eu1.hsforms.com/12zCkTm1nQk-2OOPC6q1-swew554
Locale C_https://share-eu1.hsforms.com/1ssSBqZIKRUqKmBaq1eQ-yQew554
Locale D_https://share-eu1.hsforms.com/1KpWf5D_GRcaLnDqXFdDiMAew554
Locale E_https://share-eu1.hsforms.com/1_oYTQpJARW-72uCr4U5mgwew554
Locale F_https://share-eu1.hsforms.com/18l0eIKd4RaS1s1tfMg4LLgew554
Locale G_https://share-eu1.hsforms.com/1Min_f-1zTVyhOLF3Ht2jqgew554


ENQUIRIES As it were:
Contact Individual: Onkarabile Montsho
Tel No: 011 061 3157

Candidates are consciously educated that, if no warning of arrangement/reaction is gotten inside six a month and a half of the end date, they should acknowledge that their application was ineffective. By presenting your application for a situation at the City of Johannesburg, you are consenting that the individual data submitted as a feature of your application might be utilized for the reasons for the Enlistment and Choice and related process.

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