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x5 Long-lasting Vacancies at Gauteng Department of Health

Long-lasting Vacancies at Gauteng Department of Health (Most recent).

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Shutting date: 21 June 2024

Long-lasting Vacancies at Gauteng Department of Health

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DRIVER Administrator EARTH Gear
Reference Number : Refs/020655
Directorate : Street Upkeep AND Armada Administrations
Number of Posts : 5
Bundle : R 155 148.00 per annum (In addition to Advantages) Level 3
Enquiries : Ms. Valentine Majoko, Tel no: 012-310 2367/012 310 2343
Necessities :

NQF level 2 (Grade 10 testament or same), 5 years’ significant experience. A substantial driver’s permit (Code EC) and working testament. Capacity to work hardware, Great relational abilities.

Obligations :

Working specific plant and hardware, for example Graders, TLB’s and Trucks. Stacking and offloading/gear. Examine and support of gear and report surrenders. Keep log sheet of vehicles and hardware, utilization of wellbeing and careful steps, cleaning and grease of apparatus gear and evaluating of rock streets and yet again gravelling/shoulder upkeep. Transportation of work groups and materials/gear, identify and fix minor mechanical issues on the vehicles and do whatever it takes to have it fixed (actually look at level and state of oil, fuel, tires, and water.

Applications can be conveyed to: Dr. George Mukhari Scholastic Emergency clinic, 3111 Setlogelo Drive, Ga-Rankuwa, 0208 ABT: 06 (Human Asset The executives) or presented on: Dr. George Mukhari Scholarly Clinic, Confidential Sack X422, Pretoria 0001.

Nursing Assistant

  • Reference Number : refs/020713
  • Directorate : Nursing
  • Number of Posts : 6
  • Package : Grade 1 R 165 177.00, Grade 2 R 192 675.00 and Grade 3 R 227 070. 00 per annum (Plus benefits)
  • Enquiries : Enquiries: Ms. MM Matshidza Tel: 012 529 3353

Requirements :

Qualification that allows registration with the South African Nursing Council as a nursing assistant. Current registration with the South African Nursing Council as nursing assistant. Grade 1 no experience. Grade 2 a minimum of 10 years appropriate/recognisable experience in nursing after registration with SANC as a Nursing Assistant. Grade 3 a minimum of 20 years appropriate/recognisable experience in nursing after registration with SANC as a Nursing Assistant.

Duties :

Assistant and support patients with activities of daily living (physical care) and self-care render quality care according to scope of practice and relevant guidelines. Provide elementary clinical nursing care in accordance with scope of practice. Maintain professional growth/Ethical standard and self-development. Provide health education to patients, family, and community to promote health. Maintain constructive working relationships with nurses and other stakeholders. Utilize material and resources effectively and efficiently. Work as part of multi-disciplinary team. Elementary communication skills. Elementary writing skills Good interpersonal skills.

Applications can be delivered to: Dr. George Mukhari Academic Hospital, 3111 Setlogelo Drive, Ga-Rankuwa, 0208 ABT: 06 (Human Resource Management) or posted to: Dr. George Mukhari Academic Hospital, Private Bag X422, Pretoria 0001.

Staff Nurse

  • Reference Number : refs/020712
  • Directorate : Nursing
  • Number of Posts : 8
  • Package : Grade 1: R 209 112.00,Grade 2 R 248 613.00 and Grade 3 R 290 805.00 per annum (plus benefits)
  • Enquiries : Enquiries: Ms. MM Matshidza Tel: 012 529 3353

Requirements :

Qualification that allows registration with the South African Nursing Council (SANC) as a Staff Nurse. Current registration with South African Nursing Council as an Enrolled Nurse. Grade 1 no experience. Grade 2 a minimum of 10 years appropriate/recognisable experience in nursing after registration with SANC as a Staff Nurse. Grade 3 a minimum of 20 years appropriate/recognisable experience in nursing after registration with SANC as a Staff Nurse.

Duties :

Demonstrate basic understanding of nursing legislations and related legal and ethical nursing practices. Promote quality of basic nursing care as directed by the professional scope of practice and standards as determined by institution. Work as part of the multidisciplinary team to ensure good nursing care and positive clinical outcomes. Assist patients with activities of daily living (physical care).Measure, record and interpret vital signs. Sustain nutritional status of patients. Ensure personal hygiene of patients. Facilitate the elimination process. Willing to work shifts including night duty in different departments. Maintain professional growth/Ethical standards and self-development.

Applications can be delivered to: Dr. George Mukhari Academic Hospital, 3111 Setlogelo Drive, Ga-Rankuwa, 0208 ABT: 06 (Human Resource Management) or posted to: Dr. George Mukhari Academic Hospital, Private Bag X422, Pretoria 0001


  • Reference Number : refs/020715
  • Directorate : Paediatrics and Child Health
  • Number of Posts : 1
  • Package : Grade 1: R949 146.00 per annum, (all- inclusive package) Grade 2: R1 082 988.00 per annum, (all- inclusive package) Grade 3: R1 253 415.00 per annum, (all- inclusive package)
  • Enquiries : Dr Thapelo JD Theletsane (016 930 3000)

Requirements :

Appropriate qualification that allows registration with the HPCSA as Medical Practitioner. HPCSA registration as a Medical Practitioner and must be post Community Service. Current registration with HPCSA (2023/2024). No experience required for Grade 1:5 years’ experience for Grade 2:10- years’ experience for Grade 3.

Duties :

The incumbent will be responsible to interview, investigate, diagnose, and oversee the treatment of patient related administrative duties, participating in all activities of the discipline in relation to teaching and research, participating in departmental audit activities, preparing, and writing of reports, liaison and communication services and community liaison. Supervising junior doctors (undergraduate students, interns, and community service doctors).

Willing to do commuted overtime. Attendance of relevant administrative meetings like mortality meetings, near miss meetings and completing Medico Legal Documents timeously (e.g., Death certificate). Improve quality of care by providing appropriate clinical care. Reduce medical litigation by exercising good clinical ethos. Implement and monitor adherence to National Core Standards (norms and standards). Participate in multidisciplinary team to the management of patients.

Performance of practical procedures relevant to the care of patients. Participation in departmental meetings, journal clubs, case presentations, lectures, and ward rounds. Ensure that administration and record keeping is done in the department. Rendering of after-hour (night, weekend, and public holiday) duties to provide continuous uninterrupted care of patients. Medical officers will inter alia be responsible for rendering of clinical services, assessment, and treatment of patients. Medical officers will be rotated through related departments at various hospitals, comprising hospitals served in their specific outreach programmes.

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Applications Should be posted to Private Bag X058, Vanderbijlpark 1900 or hand delivered to Sebokeng Hospital between 7h30 and 15h30, HR Department, Moshoeshoe Street or apply online at Professionaljobcentre.gpg.gov.za.


  • Reference Number : refs/020703
  • Number of Posts : 5
  • Package : R308 154.00 Per Annum
  • Enquiries : ENQUIRIES: Ms N.C Dlisani Contact no: 063 8618 541 or 079 2638 098

Requirements :

Bachelor’s degree in social work. Registration with the South African Council for Social Service Professions (SACSSP) as a Social Worker (Applicants are expected to submit a certified copy of their current Annual Practice Certificate and proof of registration). The following is required: Knowledge of the legislative framework for health social work, other public service legislation, policies and procedures pertaining to Social Work Profession and Gauteng Department of Health.

Knowledge in all methods of social work is required. Experience in community mental health Social Services will be an advantage. Applicant must be in a possession of a valid South African driver’s license. Additional requirements: Knowledge of social work legislations and related legal and ethical practices, PFMA and Public Service Act and Regulations.

Knowledge and understanding of social work, social systems and skills to ensure that one intervenes efficiently and effectively at the points where people interact with their environments in order to promote social and mental well-being. Good communication, interpersonal, IT, financial and human resource management skills; Ability to work independently and in a multidisciplinary context. Analytic thinking, independent decision making and problem-solving skills

Duties :

Bachelor’s degree in social work. Registration with the South African Council for Social Service Professions (SACSSP) as a Social Worker (Applicants are expected to submit a certified copy of their current Annual Practice Certificate and proof of registration). The following is required: Knowledge of the legislative framework for health social work, other public service legislation, policies and procedures pertaining to Social Work Profession and Gauteng Department of Health. Knowledge in all methods of social work is required. Experience in community mental health Social Services will be an advantage.

Applicant must be in a possession of a valid South African driver’s license. Additional requirements: Knowledge of social work legislations and related legal and ethical practices, PFMA and Public Service Act and Regulations.

Knowledge and understanding of social work, social systems and skills to ensure that one intervenes efficiently and effectively at the points where people interact with their environments in order to promote social and mental well-being. Good communication, interpersonal, IT, financial and human resource management skills; Ability to work independently and in a multidisciplinary context. Analytic thinking, independent decision making and problem-solving skills.

Applications must be submitted only through this email: JhbHealth.DistrictJobApplications@gauteng.gov.za Applicants must indicate the post reference number as subject line of the email. Johannesburg Health District does not have budget for resettlement and S&T claims. Those who previously applied are encouraged to apply.

Clinical Nurse Practitioner (PHC)

  • Reference Number : refs/020718
  • Directorate : Nursing
  • Number of Posts : 1
  • Package : (Grade 1) R 451 533 – R 520 560. (Grade 2) R 553 545 – R 676 068 per annum plus benefits
  • Enquiries : Sr W Molosi @ 078 872 7265 (Monday to Friday; during working hours only)

Requirements :

Grade 12/Matric. Basic R425 qualification (i.e., diploma or degree in nursing) or equivalent qualification that allows registration with the South African Nursing Council (SANC) as Professional Nurse. Post basic qualification with a duration of at least 1 year in Diploma in Clinical Nursing Science Health Assessment, Treatment and Care (R48) accredited with SANC.

Grade 1: minimum of 4 years appropriate/recognisable experience in nursing after registration as Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing.

Grade 2: A minimum of 14 years appropriate/recognisable experience after registration as Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing. At least 10 years of the period referred to above must be appropriate/recognisable experience after obtaining the 1-year post-basic qualification as mentioned above. Ability to plan and organise own work and that of support personnel to ensure proper nursing care. Effective communication with all stakeholders & report writing aptitude. Work as part of the MDT to ensure good nursing care and outcomes.

Display uncompromising concern for patients, promoting and advocating proper treatment and care including awareness and willingness to respond to patients’ needs, requirements and expectations (Batho Pele). Demonstrate an understanding of nursing legislation and other related legal frameworks. Competency in processes of the Ideal Health Facility Realisation Programme as well as prescripts of the Office of the Health Standards Compliance (OHSC). An ID as well as valid & unendorsed driver’s license are pre-requisites.

Duties :

Manage and provide clinical comprehensive PHC service in line with the existing legislative prescripts. Provide more complex and advanced comprehensive nursing treatment and care to patients in a cost effective, efficient and equitable manner. Act as shift leader, plan and implement health promotion and prevention activities. Link to the community structures and community-based services. Competently collect and manage data generated and be able to report on it.

Exercise and maintain high and quality record-keeping standards. Oversee and supervise sub-ordinates within the facility. Provide PHC services to other facilities in Sub-District 3 & 4 as when the need arises and so asked.

Applications must be submitted to First Floor Reception; Tshwane Health District Services, 3319 Fedsure Forum Building, Cnr Lillian Ngoyi and Pretorius Street PRETORIA; 0001.

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