(function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start':new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!='dataLayer'?'&l='+l:'';j.async=!0;j.src='https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id='+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f)})(window,document,'script','dataLayer','GTM-T74JCJ4C') Official Youth Program at Department of Employment and Labour

Official Youth Program at Department of Employment and Labour

Official Youth Program at Department of Employment and Labour (South Africa).

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Shutting date: 03 June 2024

Official Youth Program at Department of Employment and Labour

Sending System: COUNSELLOR  (X235 POSTS)
Pay : R 7450.63 each month

Focus : Common Office: Gauteng Ref No: HR4/24/06/01GP (X50 Posts)
Commonplace Office: KwaZuluNatal Ref No: HR4/24/06/02KZN (X29 Posts)
Common Office: Eastern Cape Ref No: HR4/24/06/03EC (X31 Posts)
Commonplace Office: Western Cape Ref No: HR4/24/06/04WC (X22 Posts)
Common Office: Mpumalanga Ref No: HR4/24/06/05MP (X25 Posts)
Common Office: North West Ref No: HR4/24/06/06NW (X20 Posts)
Commonplace Office: Northern Cape Ref No: HR4/24/06/07NC (X14 Posts)
Commonplace Office: Limpopo Ref No: HR4/24/06/08LP (X24 Posts)
Common Office: Free State Reference No: HR4/24/06/09FS (X20 Posts)

Follow our Whatsapp channel for additional positions without joins: Follow Here

Necessities :

Three (3) years important tertiary capability studying Brain science or Modern Brain science. (Enlistment with Wellbeing Proficient Board of South Africa (HPCSA) as an Enrolled Instructor (Free Practice) or Psychometrics (Autonomous practice) will be an additional benefit).

Obligations :

Render managerial help administrations to the Business Advisor. Direct examination on work market necessities and business advising best practices. Give and carry out enrollment and choice administrations. Network with partners to confirm nature of administrations delivered. Enlistment of work searchers.

ENQUIRIES : Mr V Mazibuko Tel No: (011) 853 0453 (GP)
Mr. TB Gumede Tel No: (031) 3662130/Mr. NX Ntshingila Tel No: (031) 366 2130 (KZN)
Mr. N Mtwa Tel No: (043) 701 3032/Mr. S Joko Tel No: (043) 701 3030 (EC)
Mr. Q Bowman Tel No: (021) 441 8120 (WC)
Mr. M Nkotsoe Tel No: (013) 655 8805 (MP)
Mr. MO Maluleke Tel No: (018) 387 8186 (NW)
Ms. N Litheko Tel No: (053) 838 1632 (NC)
Ms. MS Lebogo Tel No: (015) 290 1662 (LP)
Mr. S Segalo/Ndabuko Zulu Tel No: (051) 505 6206 (FS)


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To apply, submit applications on a structure Z83 to the accompanying locations:

Boss Chief: Common Activities: PO Box 4560, Johannesburg ,2000 Or hand convey at: 77 De Korte Road, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2000

Boss Chief: Common Tasks: PO Box, 940 Durban, 4000. Or then again hand convey at: 267 Anton Lembede Road, Regal Inn Building, Durban, 4001.

Boss Chief: Commonplace Activities: Confidential X9001, East London, 5200. Or then again hand convey at: Laboria Building,03 Slope Road, East London CBD 5200.

Boss Chief: Commonplace Activities: PO Box 872, Cape Town, 8000. Or then again hand convey at: 9 Long Road, Cnr Riebeeck and Long Road, Cape Town, 8000.

Boss Chief: Commonplace Activities: Confidential Sack X7263, Emalahleni, 1035. Or then again hand convey at: Work Building, c/o Hoffmeyer and Beatty Road.

Boss Chief: Common Activities: Confidential Sack X2040, Mmabatho, 2735 or hand convey at: Fortunate House, College Drive, Mmabatho.

Boss Chief: Commonplace Tasks: Confidential Pack X 5012, Kimberley 8300.Or hand convey at: Laboria House. Corner Pniel and Compound Road, Kimberley.

Boss Chief: Common Tasks: Confidential Sack X 9368, Polokwane, 0700 Or hand convey at 42a Schoeman Road, Polokwane.

Boss Chief: Commonplace Activities: PO. Box 522, Bloemfontein, 9300 Or hand convey at: 43 Charlotte Maxeke Road, Laboria House, Bloemfontein, 9300.

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