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Organization Assistant X2 at Dept of Employment and Labour

The Department of Employment and Labour welcomes candidates to apply for Organization Assistant (X2 Posts) at their specialty.

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Shutting DATE : 17 November 2023

Organization Assistant (X2 Posts) at Department of Employment and Labour

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Organization Assistant: Hostile to Misrepresentation AND Against Debasement REF NO: HR4/4/3/1/ACAFAC/UIF
Compensation : R202 233 for each annum
Focus : Joblessness Protection Asset, Pretoria

Prerequisites :

Grade 12 declaration. No experience required. Information: Public Money The board Act (PFMA), Public Help Guidelines (PSR), Public Assistance Act (public service announcement), Advancement of Admittance to Data Act (PAIA), Joblessness Protection Act (UIA). Joblessness Protection Commitments Act (UICA) Abilities: Minutes composing. Report composing. Scientific and Inventiveness, Arranging and Coordinating. PC Proficiency. Correspondence. Using time productively. Relational.

Obligations :

Render authoritative help administrations to the misrepresentation and defilement examination processes. Give a compelling case organization. Give strategic game plans in the Segment.

ENQUIRIES : Mr GS Phoshoko Tel No: (012) 337 1978

APPLICATIONS : Boss Chief: Corporate Administrations: P O Box 1851, Pretoria, 0001 or hand conveyance at corner Lilian Ngoyi and Pretorius Road, ABSA Pinnacles Building, Pretoria

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Organization Assistant

Organization Agent: Manager/Representative Enlistment REF NO: HR4/4/3/1/ACEER/UIF
Compensation : R202 233 for every annum
Focus : Joblessness Protection Asset, Pretoria

Prerequisites :

Senior Endorsement/Grade 12 or same. 0-6 months’ insight. Information: Batho Pele Standards. Administration Contract. Abilities: Correspondence. Tuning in. Using time productively. PC Proficiency. Relational. Scientific. Information Catching.

Obligations :

Process the enrollment of managers. Process announcement types of workers. Keep up with bosses’ information base. Offer general administrative help administrations inside the part.

ENQUIRIES : Ms RSS Raseboya Tel No: (012) 337 1688

APPLICATIONS : Boss Chief: Corporate Administrations: P O Box 1851, Pretoria, 0001 or hand conveyance at corner Lilian Ngoyi and Pretorius Road, ABSA Pinnacles Building, Pretoria

Faculty Official Post at the Branch of Protection
FOR Consideration : Sub-directorate: HR The board, UIF

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