Pharmacist Assistant Position at Gauteng Department of Health

The Gauteng Department of Health welcomes appropriately qualified possibility to go after Pharmacist Assistant Position at Dr. George Mukhari Scholarly Emergency clinic.
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Pharmacist Assistant Position at Gauteng Department of Health
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Pharmacist Assistant Position Fundamental Grade 1-3
Reference Number : refs/019303
Directorate : Clinical Help
Number of Posts : 1
Bundle : R 147 471.00.per annum (in addition to benefits)
Enquiries : Mr. B Mohale Tel:012 529 3680
Necessities :
Grade 12 declaration and capability as expected by the preparation office and the SAPC ,in addition to Essential Drug specialist Right hand capability that permits enrollment with the SAPC as Drug specialist Colleague Fundamental. Enlistment with the SAPC as Drug specialist Colleague ( Fundamental) Experience: Grade 1: no experience expected after enrollment with SAPC as a Drug specialist Collaborator Essential, Grade 2 at least 5 years suitable experience as Drug specialist Right hand after enrollment as a Pharmacist Assistant Position Essential) with the SAPC.
Grade 3 at least 13 years fitting experience as Drug specialist Assistant(Basic) after enlistment as a Drug specialist Collaborator (Fundamental) with the SAPC. Essential relational abilities, great relational abilities, fundamental authoritative abilities for example filling, record keeping, essential estimation abilities, fundamental PC abilities, fundamental proficiency abilities, record keeping abilities, essential exploration/information assortment and investigation abilities, essential collaboration abilities, essential specialized work abilities, fundamental administration and time usage abilities, essential critical thinking and thinking abilities. Work adaptable hours (10:30 – 19:00).
Obligations :
Understanding and following all pertinent regulation and strategies to give a quality savvy administration, including HR and depository guidelines and arrangements. Seeing all Batho Pele standards and adherence to six ecclesiastical needs. Requesting stock, stock control and appropriation of medications to all outlets (counting PHC centers) we are serving.
Doing Pre-pressing, and compounding. Doing wards stock administration, apportioning and the arrangement of data to people. Doing records keeping, documentation and announcing. Partaking in the observing and assessment groups. Helping with tasks and projects as distinguished in the drug store. Finding a way compelling and suitable ways to forestall any unapproved consumption, sporadic use and unprofitable and inefficient use.
Playing out any genuine errand mentioned for arrangement of drug care. Readiness and contribution in clinical preliminaries as required. Readiness to work at the assistance points where you are required the most and when you are required the most. Ability to convey drugs to PHC facilities as and when required. Readiness to perform extra time as needs be.
Notes :
Candidates are not expected to submit duplicates of capabilities and other important reports on application yet should present the finished CV and new refreshed Z83 structure reachable from any Open Assistance Division or on the web at applications involving the erroneous application for business (old Z83) won’t be thought of.
Every application for business should be completely finished, initialed, and endorsed by the candidate. Inability to finish will prompt preclusion during the determination interaction. Segment A, B, C and D should be finished in full. Segment E, F and G: Taking note of that there’s a restricted space gave candidates frequently designate “allude to Educational plan Vitae (CV) or see joined”, this is satisfactory in the event that the CV has been connected and gives the necessary data.
The inquiry that connects with conditions that forestalls re-arrangement under part F should be replied. Announcement should be finished and marked). Just shortlisted competitors will be expected to submit confirmed duplicates of capabilities and other important reports prior to the day of the meeting. Kindly guarantee that the particular reference number is cited accurately.
Step by step instructions to apply:
Applications can be conveyed to: Dr. George Mukhari Scholarly Clinic, 3111 Setlogelo Drive, Ga-Rankuwa, 0208 Medical attendants Home Block 13(HR Library) or presented on: Dr. George Mukhari Scholarly Medical clinic, Confidential Pack X422, Pretoria 0001. Because of specialized issues with GPG opportunity site that the establishment is reliably confronted with, candidates are urged to apply utilizing any of the above techniques.
Correspondence will be placed with shortlisted competitors as it were. On the off chance that you have not been reached inside three (90 days) subsequent to shutting date of this commercial, if it’s not too much trouble, acknowledge that your application was ineffective.