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Long-lasting Position for individuals with Grade 10

Long-lasting Position for individuals with Grade 10 at the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development..

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Shutting date: 31 May 2024

Long-lasting Position for individuals with Grade 10 ( Department of Agriculture )

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Jack of all trades: Designing, Framework and Support Administrations (X3 POSTS)

Pay : R155 148 for every annum (Level 03)
Focus : Capricorn Region Ref No: LDARD 58/3/2024 (X1 Post) Vhembe Locale Ref No: LDARD 59/3/2024 (X1 Post) Tompi Seleka School Ref No: LDARD 60/3/2024 (X1 Post)
Prerequisites :

Grade 10/ABET/AET or a suitable N3 declaration in one or the other Carpentry, Plumbing, Electrical, Stone work or comparable fitting capability as perceived by SAQA. Least one (1) year experience in Development and Upkeep of structures and related framework.

Information, Capabilities and Abilities: Information on support apparatuses and gear. Wellbeing guidelines. Relational abilities. Great relational connection and information on Batho Pele Standards. Structures and related ranch framework support insight and information on different sorts of homestead foundation and upkeep instruments will be an additional benefit. Driver’s permit will be an additional benefit.

Obligations :

Support of structures, fittings and furniture. Direct ordinary structure reviews. Take care of minor electrical, plumbing, building and carpentry issues. Support of office gear, Fix broken furnishings and hardware. Care of upkeep devices and supplies. Report abandons.

ENQUIRIES : Capricorn Locale: Ms. Sebatjane LD Tel No: (015) 632 8609, Ms. Moeti M Tel No: (015) 632 8619

Vhembe Locale: Mammburu TD Tel No: (015) 963 2005 or Rathogwa MM Tel No: (015) 9632007



Compensation : R131 265 for each annum (Level 02)
Focus : Capricorn South
Prerequisites :

Grade 10/ABET/AET or identical capability as perceived by SAQA. Least one (1) year experience in Working Printer Machine.

Information, Abilities and Abilities: Information on upkeep printer machine. Security guidelines. Relational abilities. Great relational connection and information on Batho Pele Standards.

Obligations :

Working of copier. Keeping record of duplicates made. Examining of archives. Protection and minor support printer machine. Report absconds.

ENQUIRIES : Ms. Sebatjane LD Tel No: (015) 632 8609, Ms. Moeti M Tel No: (015) 632 8619



Compensation : R131 265 for every annum (Level 02)
Focus: Tompi Seleka School of Horticulture Ref No: LDARD 62/3/2024 (X3 Posts) Mara Exploration Center Ref No: LDARD 63/3/2024 (X1 Post) Towoomba Exploration Center Ref No: LDARD 64/3/2024 (X2 Posts)
Necessities :

Grade 10/ABET/AET or comparable capability as perceived by SAQA.

Information, Abilities and Abilities: Essential education and numeracy. Ready to peruse and compose. Relational abilities. Great relational connection and information on Batho Pele Standards. Ranch work insight and information on different kinds of homestead exercises will be an additional benefit.

Obligations :

Apply synthetic yield security. Soil development and planning. Water system of yields. Care for wiped out animals. Plunging, immunization and dosing. Count animals day to day. Tending of yields/plantations/grape plantations. Cleaning of offices and removal of homestead squander materials. Firefighting and avoidance. Keep up with windmills and water supply framework.

ENQUIRIES : Mr. Mabula NJ (015) 294 3582, Ms. Mtswene PV Tel No: (015) 294 3395, Ms. Mothapo RL Tel No: (015) 294 3235 or Ms. Kgobe Mama Tel No: (015) 294 3587


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Pay : R131 265 for every annum (Level 02)
Focus : Waterberg North Zone Ref No: LDARD 65/3/2024 (X1 Post) Sekhukhune West Ref No: LDARD 66/3/2024 (X2 Posts) Sekhukhune East Ref No: LDARD 67/3/2024 (X1 Post) Mopani East Ref No: LDARD 68/3/2024 (X1 Post) Mopani North Ref No: LDARD 69/3/2024 (X1 Post)
Prerequisites :

Grade 10/ABET/AET or identical capability as perceived by SAQA. Broad involvement with a cleaning climate. Information, Capabilities and Abilities: Essential proficiency and numeracy. Ready to peruse and compose. Relational abilities. Great relational relations and information on Batho Pele Standards. Information on cleaning items/materials and gear. Information on working cleaning gear. Great relational abilities. Capacity to work under tension. Collaboration. Client concentration and responsiveness. Have the option to perform manual work. Show responsibility and dedication. Should be dependable, useful and show appropriate conduct towards clients. Information on Batho Pele Guideline. Wellbeing and security measures. Working systems in regard of workplace.

Obligations :

Cleaning of workplaces, storerooms, passages, lifts, and meeting rooms. Residue and take out squander and giving water during gatherings. Top off water cooler/s. Washing walls and windows. Cleaning hardware and apparatus. Cleaning windows and all broad cooking wares. Cleaning latrines and cleaning office floors. Vacuum cleaning utilizing vacuum machine. Give tissue in the latrines. Keep and keep up with cleaning materials and supplies.


Mopani Locale: Ms. Malatjie Mama Tel No: (015) 812 3210 or Ms. Nkuna NS Tel No: (015) 812 2275
Waterberg Locale: Mr. Matjiu SK Tel No: (014) 717 4949 or Ms. Kekana RM Tel No: (014) 717 1324
Sekhukhune Region: Ms. Laka Mama Tel No: (015) 632 7000 or Ms. Mphahlele RS Tel No: (015) 632 7000

The most effective method to apply

To go after positions at the Division of Agribusiness and Rustic Turn of events, follow these means:

Download the Division of Agribusiness and Provincial Improvement circular.pdf
Survey Sets of expectations by tapping hands on titles to get to definite portrayals, including the necessary capabilities, experience, and obligations. Guarantee you meet the base necessities prior to continuing with the application.

In the event that you track down a reasonable position, complete a Z83 Application structure, join CV and all expected capability and apply.

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