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Registry Clerk Opening (Individuals The executives Records)

Registry Clerk Opening (Individuals The board Records) at the Office

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Closing date: 29 July 2024

Registry Clerk Opening (Individuals The executives Records)

Follow our Whatsapp channel for additional positions without joins: Follow Here
Library Representative: Individuals The board RECORDS, REF NO. DOTP 36/2024
Pay : R216 417 for every annum (Level 5)
Focus : Western Cape Portability Division, Western Cape Government

Grade 12 (Senior Declaration or identical capability). Suggestion: Vault climate experience; Capacity to accomplish genuinely requesting work inside a library climate.

Capabilities: Information on the accompanying: Significant regulation and guidelines connecting with library works; The capacity and recovery techniques as far as the Vault working climate; Library
obligations and practices; Record-keeping systems; Correspondence (composed and verbal) abilities; Demonstrated PC proficiency abilities in MS Office; Amazing client support abilities; Should have the option to satisfy the actual needs of the gig.

Obligations :

Liable for the protected keeping of every authority report, and the legitimate documenting of records which incorporates the order, slick and right setting of material in documents; Issue and get documents (individual document demands and mass record demands) utilizing a report global positioning framework, to clients as mentioned; Liable for document moves into and out of the Corporate Administrations Place; Cycle archives for filing and removal; Give a Vault counter help; Help with the record control capability; The receipt, opening and arranging of post; Dispatch of friendly post; Offer general help administrations to the library; Checking of archives into electronic framework.

ENQUIRIES : Mr L Gqoboka at Tel No: (021) 483 4707

APPLICATIONS : To apply present your application online as it were: through http://www.westerncape.gov.za/occupations or https://westerncapegov.erecruit.co

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