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Grade10? Position of a Driver at Far East Rand Clinic

The Department of Health  welcomes contender to go after the Position of a Driver at Far East Rand Emergency clinic.

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Shutting Date : 03 April 2024

Position of a Driver at Far East Rand Clinic

Follow our Whatsapp channel for additional positions without joins: Follow Here
Reference Number : refs/020271
Directorate : Transport Division
SALARY : R171 537.00 per annum
Enquiries : Mr. AV Gumede: 011 812 8300


Grade 10 or comparable capability with 2 years driving experience. Substantial code 10 (C1)/(EB) drivers’ permit and legitimate PDP. Capacity to work under tension and as a group have the option to freely work. Should have the option to peruse and compose great correspondence and relational abilities. Be ready to work shifts and on open occasions. Should likewise have the option to drive and work the farm vehicle.


Execute all approved transportation excursions of patients, staff, archives, and different prerequisites to and from different objections. Really look at the state of the vehicle and the degree of oil, fuel, water, and tires consistently prior to driving a vehicle. Report minor and significant mishap deserts on vehicles to the Boss or Director right away. Continuously conform to the Word related Wellbeing and Security Acts prescripts and techniques. Take care of enquiries in an expert way; offer direction and guidance when required. Advance legitimate taking care of, protection and control of government vehicles and embellishments generally. Guarantee that your driver’s permit and PDP is consistently legitimate and in your control. Keep the state vehicles in every case perfect and clean. Information on transport strategies and great comprehension of Government Armada.


Imminent applications should if it’s not too much trouble, utilize the new Z83 which is powerful from first of January 2021 structure and it should be completely finished. Educational program Vitae with an itemized depiction of obligations and names of two refs who are current/Past managers. The correspondence from the HR division of the establishment with respect to the prerequisites for ensured archives will be restricted to shortlisted up-and-comers. In this manner, just shortlisted possibility for a post will be expected to submit guaranteed reports at the very latest the day of the meeting following correspondence from HR. You must be reached inside Three (90 days) after the end date assuming your application is appropriate. It is the candidate’s liability to have unfamiliar capabilities assessed by SAQA.

The Gauteng Division of wellbeing upholds the arrangement of people with incapacities. Appropriate up-and-comers will be exposed to Word related Wellbeing and Security (OHS) Clinical Reconnaissance as expected in the Risky Organic Specialists (HBA) and Unsafe Compound Substance (HCS) Guidelines inside the OHS Act 85 of 1993. Confirmation of capability and enrollment to proficient bodies, reference, monetary data and criminal record check. No telephonic meeting will be permitted except if there is a substantial thoughtful justification for it.

Step by step instructions to APPLY

Applications should be submitted to: Far East Rand Emergency clinic, Human Asset Office, Confidential Pack X50, Springs, 1559. Hand Conveyance at 01 Clinic Street, New State Regions, Springs from 07h30am to 15h00pm and sign in register book or apply online at www.gautengonline.gov.za.


If it’s not too much trouble, NOTE: The Public Assistance charges no expenses for applying for posts. Would it be a good idea for you be requested an expense, if it’s not too much trouble, let the specialists know.

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