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Sibanye-Stillwater Advanced Mining Research facility Bursaries 2024

Sibanye-Stillwater welcomes South African understudies to apply for Computerized Mining Lab Bursaries 2024.

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Shutting date: 15 December 2023

Sibanye-Stillwater Advanced Mining Research facility Bursaries 2024

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The Sibanye-Stillwater Advanced Mining Lab (DigiMine) of Brains College is presently getting applications from potential understudies keen on chasing after a MSc by research, full-time, on geotechnical parts of tailings storage spaces (TSFs), supported by Sibanye-Stillwater. The particulars of the exploration point will be characterized in discussion with the fruitful candidate.

The examination will be regulated by Dr Luis Torres-Cruz from the School of Common and Natural Designing and co-directed by Prof M Ahsan Mahboob who is the head of DigiMine. The fruitful candidate will get monetary help for one year which can be reached out to a second year dependent upon sufficient advancement. Further subtleties of the monetary help are given underneath.

College charges: Covered
Month to month living payment during the primary year: R13,000
Month to month living payment during the subsequent year: R7,500
Global understudy expenses (if appropriate): Covered
Standard clinical guide (just for global understudies): Covered

Preferably, the effective candidate will begin working in January 2024, albeit this might be delayed by a couple of months. We are searching for focused, self-persuaded candidates areas of strength for with and scientific abilities and a background marked by scholastic greatness. Any remaining measures being equivalent, South African candidates will be given inclination over worldwide candidates.

To apply, send your CV, an inspiration letter of under 500 words, and your scholastic records to Dr Torres-Cruz (LuisAlberto.TorresCruz@wits.ac.za) and Prof Mahboob (mahsan.mahboob@wits.ac.za). If it’s not too much trouble, guarantee that your CV incorporates the contact subtleties of no less than two references and demonstrates your relationship with them. Receipt of your application will be affirmed through email.

Application cutoff time: 15 December 2023


Lamentably, we will be unable to advise everybody of the result of the application. On the off chance that you don’t hear from us by 15 January, if it’s not too much trouble, accept that your application was ineffective.

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