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Staff Medical caretaker Opening X7 at DEPT OF HEALTH

The DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH welcomes appropriately qualified possibility to apply for Staff Medical caretaker Opening (X7 Posts) at Robert Managaliso Sobukwe Emergency clinic.

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Shutting DATE : 10 November 2023

Staff Medical caretaker Opening (X7 Posts) at DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH

STAFF Medical attendant REF NO: NCDOH 15/2023 (X7 POSTS)
Compensation : Grade 1: R1 99 725 – R222 939 for each annum
Grade 2: R237 210 – R264 948 for each annum
Grade 3: R277 752 – R337 860 for each annum

Focus : Robert Managaliso Sobukwe Medical clinic

Necessities :

Capability that permits enlistment with the SANC as Staff Attendant Enlistment with the SANC as Selected Medical caretaker. Experience: Grade 1: None. Grade 2: at least 10 years’ suitable/conspicuous involvement with nursing after enlistment with the SANC as Staff Medical caretaker. Grade 3: at least 20 years’ suitable/conspicuous involvement with nursing after enlistment with the SANC as Staff Medical caretaker.


Obligations :

Advancement and execution of essential patient consideration plans. Give essential clinical nursing care. Successful use of assets. Keep up with proficient development/moral principles and self-advancement. Give guidance and oversight for the execution of the nursing plan (clinical practice/quality patient consideration). Execute principles, practices, measures and pointers for quality nursing (nature of training).

Work on nursing and medical services as per the regulations and guidelines applicable to nursing and medical care. Keep a productive working relationship with nursing and different partners. Use human, material and actual assets proficiently and really.

APPLICATIONS : If it’s not too much trouble, note applications can be hand conveyed to the front gathering of James Exum Building or Messaged at nchealthhr@ncpg.gov.za

Download Z83 Application Structure

ENQUIRIES : Ms S. Alexander Tel No: (053) 802 2130

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