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SASSA General Manager Grants Administration

SASSA is employing and welcomes possibility to apply for General Manager: Grants Administration (Re-ad) position.

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Shutting Date: 18 September 2023

SASSA General Manager: Grants Administration (Re-advertisement)


Significant notes: This multitude of positions are promoted with the base necessities. Arrangements will be dependent upon a necessary pre-business separating the type of capability, reference, ITC, criminal checks, specialized test and obligatory skill evaluation. Competitors applying for Senior Administration (SMS) posts, are expected to finish a Senior Administration pre-section program as embraced by Country School of Government (NSG).

The course is accessible on this connection: http://www.thensg.gov.za/instructional class/sms-pre-passage program/the effective competitor will be expected to give confirmation of consummation of NSG Public Help Senior Administration Initiative Program Authentication for pre-section into SMS before the arrangement. It isn’t needed that a candidate present the pre-passage endorsement while applying for the post before the end date.

It is the candidate’s liability to have unfamiliar capabilities assessed by South African Capabilities Authority (SAQA) preceding the choice cycle. SASSA is under no commitment to fill a post after the ad thereof. Kindly note that all SASSA staff are exposed to necessary security verifying on arrangement. Messaged applications will be acknowledged.

Prerequisites: Competitors ought to hold an undergrad capability (NQF level 7) as perceived by SAQA in the important field; Testament for section into the SMS (Senior Administration) embraced by the Public School of Government; PC education and a legitimate driver’s permit are fundamental

Experience: combined with 5 years’ involvement with a senior administration level in the significant field
Information and abilities: Information on SASSA’s order, approaches, regulation, Federal retirement aide, Destitution Lightening; Understanding socioeconomics of the area and social-financial aspects real factors insight.

Added Benefit: A post graduate capability (NQF level 08) in the significant field will be an additional benefit.

Applications for the above position in North West Locale should be shipped off AppllicationsNW@sassa.gov.za Enquiries: Mr M Sekhaolelo/Mr V Kraai – 018 397 3423/3410


Candidates keen on applying for these posts ought to send their applications (definite CV and finished New Z83 structure) citing the significant reference number and position name according to the advert (The subject heading of the email ought to show the reference number and name of the position you are applying for. Candidates should guarantee that they send their application to a right inbox/email demonstrated on each position.


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