Teacher Assistant Applications for Phase 5 in 2024 are not yet open

The purpose of this article is to inform South Africans that the Teacher Assistant Applications for Phase 5 in 2024 are not yet open on SAYouth. The Presidential Youth Employment Initiative (PYEI) in the Basic Education Sector is making efforts to create job opportunities for young South Africans.
This initiative is part of a public investment strategy aimed at stimulating economic activity, reducing youth unemployment, and providing valuable work experience.
It targets individuals aged 18 to 34, with a cutoff age of 35 on or before March 31, 2024,
who are not engaged in employment, education, or training. The goal is to offer fixed-term contract job opportunities to 255,100 young people, with 195,100 positions for Education Assistants and 60,000 for General School Assistants. Schools are encouraged to hire a specific number of Education Assistants who are graduates, to provide them with essential practical experience to support their future job applications. Those hired for Phase IV receive a monthly stipend of R4,081.44, inclusive of a 1% contribution to the unemployment insurance fund. Employers also contribute 1% of UIF, bringing the total UIF contribution to 2%, which is paid to the Department of Labour and Employment. It has come to our attention that there are false messages circulating on social media about the applications for Teacher Assistants Phase 5. The Department of Education has confirmed that these messages are fake and advised the public to disregard them. When the recruitment for Phase VI is announced, candidates will be able to submit applications on the SAYouth.mobi portal free of charge, without incurring any data costs. Thank you for reading and please follow Jobcare for more trustworthy news updates globally.