GRADE12? Registry Clerk job at the Department of Defence

The Department of Defence welcomes appropriately qualified contender to go after Registry Clerk job at their Specialization.
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Registry Clerk Position at the Department of Defence
Registry Clerk: Creation REF NO: FMD/04/34/23/10
Boss Directorate: Bookkeeping
Directorate: Work force Installments
Finance The executives Division
Compensation : R202 233 for every annum (Level 05)
Focus : Pretoria
Prerequisites : Registry Clerk job
Grade 12 endorsement (NQF L4). Added advantage: at least one year pertinent involvement with the significant field. In the ownership of a legitimate RSA/Military driver’s permit. Unique necessities/Abilities required: Thinking and critical ability to think.
PC proficient (MS Office programming bundle). Great verbal and composed relational abilities. Capacity to really work as a component of a group, open to business related idea/thoughts, unequivocal/enduring iro task conclusion and ready to work under tension successfully. Attitude and inclination towards right viable and proficient Vault rehearses. Registry Clerk job
Obligations : Registry Clerk job
Help with executing and keeping up with cycles to oversee and control approaching and active correspondence as well as keeping a compelling filling framework for correspondence, documentation and installments records in the material sub-area. Gathering/conveying documentation and installments records from/to segment material. Helping with guaranteeing the right and effective recording and stockpiling of S&T related documentation.
Render a viable documenting and records the board administration for resource and travel segment. Filling of
records comprising of S&T claims. Appropriating records to the applicable checkers. Opening and shutting of S&T documents. The board of the documents register (approaching and active cases). Numbering of records in the wake of getting them.
Overseeing of the dissatisfaction vault book. Taking care of enquiries and sending clients to the pertinent faculty. Aiding the area of records that are misfiled. Recording, capacity following and recoveries of reports and documents. Handle of enquiries relating to S&T records. Handle of enquiries relating to S&T documents. Making copies when mentioned. Sending and getting faxes when mentioned to
do as such.
ENQUIRIES : Mr J.G. Lottering Tel No: (012) 392 2417
Instructions to apply
Applications should be submitted to: Monetary Administration Division, DFSS, Profession The board Area, Confidential Pack X137, Pretoria, 0001 or applications might be hand-conveyed to: Branch of Guard, Poynton building, 195 Bosman Road, Pretoria where it should be set in wooden post box number 5 at Gathering.
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