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X18 Lifeguards Opening at Extraordinary Kei Neighborhood District

Applications are open and continuous for the X18 X18 Lifeguards Opening at Incredible Kei Nearby Region.

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Shutting date: 07 December 2023

X18 Lifeguards Opening at Extraordinary Kei Neighborhood District

Follow our Whatsapp channel for additional positions without joins: Follow Here
Division: People group Administrations
Position: 18 x Fleeting Lifeguards
Salary: R250. 00 every day
Length: 15 December 2023 to 15 January 2024
The Region is searching for an exceptionally energetic; reasonably qualified, and experienced people to fill the empty brief places of Lifeguards in the accompanying sea shores:

Kei Mouth; Morgans Sound; Haga, Chintsa East; Chintsa West and Glen Eden.


  • Essential Lifeguard declaration for pools or the sea shores;
  • To be a decent swimmer;
  • Great powers of fixation;
  • Great relational abilities;
  • Spur visual perception; and
  • Capacity to resist the urge to panic while under tension

KEY Execution Regions:

  • To be accessible for the set length in all Extraordinary Kei Region Sea shores;
  • To convey hardware and do the undertakings in all sea shores;
  • To guarantee that the civil sea shores are completely protected, secure and consistent with appropriate regulative prerequisites;
  • To guarantee that individuals’ lives are protected and safeguarded while at the sea shores;
  • To truly do foot watches along sea shores;
  • To apply first guide and salvage individuals in quite a while

Instructions to apply:
Download and see Occupation Advert here

Applications should be submitted to: Mr. B.T. Douglas

Incredible Kei Region, Confidential Sack X 2, KOMGA, 4950, OR 17 Principal Street, KOMGA, 4950.

For enquiries you can contact — Ms. N.B. Mzimba at 043 831 5700 (5738) OR 073 001 1098 during available time.

Messaged or Faxed applications won’t be thought of.

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