Cleaner Opportunities x5 At Dept of Water and Sterilization

The Department of Water and Disinfection welcomes reasonably qualified contender to apply for Cleaner Opportunities (X2 Posts) at their area of expertise.
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Cleaner Opportunities (X2 Posts) At Department of Water and Sterilization
CLEANER REF NO: 101123/09 (X2 POSTS)
Branch: Water Asset The executives
Compensation : R125 373 for each annum (Level 02)
Focus : Roodeplaat, Asset Quality Data Administrations
Prerequisites :
An ABET endorsement or applicable capability. Cleaning experience in the research center will act as an additional benefit. Fundamental information on cleaning standards. Fundamental information on substance use e.g., weakening/blending. Comprehension of cleaning hardware utilized. Information on wellbeing and security necessities. Information on record keeping. Essential getting it and applying of lab security rules. Essential comprehension of applying or utilizing synthetic compounds accurately. Great correspondence and relational relations.
Obligations : Cleaner Opportunities
Clean lab and hardware. Eliminate all lab squander as indicated by methods. Clean glass and plastic product as per methodology. Eliminate and interface gas chambers. Complete applicable structures to guarantee discernibility of lab exercises. Stock taking of cleaning materials. Mentioning cleaning materials as and when required. Clean storerooms, kitchen, workplaces, passageways, and meeting rooms some other climate assigned for cleaning.
Purging waste canisters. Plan meeting rooms for gatherings. Organize earthenware, utensils and cutlery expected during gatherings. Wash and keep load of earthenware, utensils, and cutlery. Fill and top off drinking water compartments. Clean rest rooms. Top off hand wash fluid and tissues. Report broken machines and hardware.
ENQUIRIES : Ms J. Lekekiso Tel No: (012) 808 9750
APPLICATIONS : Roodeplaat: Satisfy ahead your candidate citing the pertinent reference number to The Division of Water and Sterilization, Confidential Pack X350, Pretoria, 0001 or hand convey to Delta Mainland Building, Corner of Visagie and Bosman Road, Pretoria, 0001
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