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x2 Library Assistant Work Posts at Department of Agriculture

The Department of Agriculture, Land Change and Provincial Advancement welcomes applications for X2 Library Assistant Work Posts at the office

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Shutting DATE : 02 October 2023 at 16:00

X2 Library Representative Work Posts at DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE

Department of Agriculture

REF NO: 3/2/1/2023/604
Office of the Enlistment center of Deeds
Compensation : R202 233 for every annum (Level 05)
Focus : Gauteng (Pretoria)

Prerequisites : Library Assistant Work Posts

Candidates should be in an ownership of a Grade 12 Endorsement. No experience required. Information on vault obligations, rehearses as well as the capacity to catch information, and work PC. Working information and comprehension of the regulative system administering the Public Help. Information on capacity and recovery techniques concerning the work space.

Comprehension of the work in library. Arranging and association. PC proficiency. Language. Great Verbal and composed relational abilities. Relational relations. Adaptability. Collaboration.

Obligations : Library Assistant Work Posts

Give vault counter administrations. Take care of clients. Handle telephonic and different enquiries got. Get and enlist hand conveyed mail/documents. Handle approaching and active correspondence. Get all sends. Sort, register and dispatch mail. Appropriate notification on library issues. Render a successful filling and record the executives administration. Opening and close documents as indicated by record characterization framework. Recording/capacity, following (electronically/physically) and recovery of reports and documents. Complete record cards for all documents. Library Assistant Work Posts

Work office machines comparable to the vault capability. Open and keep up with Franking machine register. Straightforward post, record cash and update register on consistent schedule. Embrace spot minds post to guarantee no confidential post is incorporated. Open and keep up with settlement register. Record all significant articles as endorsed in the settlement register. Hand conveys and gives up settlements to back. Send wrong settlements back to shipper through enlisted post and record reference number in register. Keep day to day record of number of letters franked. Process records for chronicling and/removal.

Electronic examining of documents. Sort and bundle documents for files and dissemination. Gather rundown of records to be documented and submit to the manager. Save records for filed reports.

ENQUIRIES : Ms. DP Sambo Tel No: (012) 338 7230

APPLICATIONS : Kindly guarantee that you send your application to Private Sack X833, Pretoria, 0001 or Hand convey during available time work to 600 Lilian Ngoyi Road (Previously Known as Van der Walt Road) Berea Park, Pretoria, 0002.

Library Rep REF NO: 3/2/1/2023/591
Directorate: Examination Administrations
Compensation : R202 233 for each annum (Level 05)
Focus : Gauteng (Pretoria)

Prerequisites :

Candidates should be in control of a Grade 12 Endorsement. No experience required. Work related information: Information on vault obligations, rehearses as well as the capacity to catch information and work a PC. Working information and comprehension of the authoritative structure administering the Public Help.

Information on capacity and recovery strategies regarding the work space. Comprehension of the work in vault. Work related abilities: Arranging and association abilities, PC proficiency, Language abilities and Relational abilities (verbal and composed). Relational relations. Adaptability and work inside a group.

Obligations :

Give vault counter administrations. Take care of clients. Handle telephonic and different enquiries got. Get and enroll hand conveyed mail/records. Handle approaching and active correspondence. Get, sort, register and dispatch all mail. Disperse sees on vault issues. Render a successful documenting and record the board administration. Opening and close documents as indicated by record arrangement framework.

Recording/stockpiling, following (electronically/physically) and recovery of archives and documents. Complete record cards for all documents. Work office machines corresponding to the vault capability. Open and keep up with Franking machine register. Blunt post, record cash and update register consistently. Embrace spot keeps an eye on post to guarantee no confidential post is incorporated.

Secure post in postbag for couriers to convey to the Mailing station. Open and keep up with settlement register. Record all significant articles as recommended in the settlement register. Hand conveys and gives up settlements to fund. Send wrong settlements back to source by means of enrolled post and record reference number in register. Keep day to day record of number of letters franked. Process reports for filing and/removal.

Electronic examining of documents. Sort and bundle documents for files and dissemination. Arrange rundown of reports to be filed and submit to the manager. Save records for filed reports.

ENQUIRIES : Ms D Mogapi Tel No: (012) 309 8760

The most effective method to apply

Applications can be presented by post to: Confidential Sack X833, Pretoria, 0001 or hand conveyed during available time to: 600 Lilian Ngoyi Road (previously known as Van der Walt Road), Berea Park, Pretoria, 0002 or to Agribusiness Spot, 20 Steve Biko (previously Beatrix) Road, Utopia, Pretoria, 0083

NOTE : African, Indian and White Guys and African Females and People with incapacities are urged to apply


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