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X4 LECTURING VACANCIES at Gauteng School of Nursing

Department of Wellbeing is tolerating applications for X4 LECTURING VACANCIES at Gauteng School of Nursing.

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Shutting date: 02 February 2024

X4 LECTURING VACANCIES at Gauteng School of Nursing

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Reference Number : REFS/019525
Directorate : Nursing Instruction and Preparing
Number of Posts : 4
Bundle : PND I: R 431 265.00 – 497 193.00 per annum (in addition to benefits) PND II R 528 696.00 – 654 960.00 per annum (in addition to benefits)
Enquiries : Ms JE Malobola – Tel No:(012) 319 5601
Necessities :

PNDI: An Essential R425 capability (for example Certificate/Degree in Nursing) or identical capability that considers enrollment with SANC as an Expert Medical caretaker. A post-essential capability in Nursing Schooling and enrolled with SANC. Current enrollment with SANC.

At least 4 years’ fitting/conspicuous experience as an Expert Medical caretaker with SANC in Everyday Nursing (less 1-year experience for competitors designated from outside the Public Help subsequent to following enrollment prerequisites).

A substantial code 8 driver’s permit. PC proficiency in MS Office and sound relational abilities. Great administrative abilities, report-composing and show abilities. The capacity to work in a group and under tension. PNDII: An Essential R425 capability (for example Certificate/Degree in Nursing) or comparable capability that considers enlistment with SANC as an Expert Medical caretaker.

Enlistment with SANC as an Expert Medical caretaker and of current enrollment. A post-essential nursing capability in Nursing Schooling and enlisted with the SANC. At least 14 years’ fitting/conspicuous involvement with nursing after enlistment as an Expert Medical caretaker with SANC in Everyday Nursing.

No less than 10 years of the period alluded to above should be suitable/conspicuous involvement with nursing training as a Speaker/Teacher in the wake of getting the 1-year post-fundamental capability in the important strength (less 1 years’ insight for up-and-comer designated from outside the Public Help subsequent to following enrollment necessities).

A Legitimate Code 8 driver’s permit. The capacity to apply PC innovation and projects. Great correspondence, administrative, report composing and introducing abilities. The capacity to work in a group and under tension.

Obligations :

Coordinate the arrangement of instruction and preparing of understudy medical attendants. Work really and co-operatively with understudies and guarantee viable and fruitful schooling and preparing of understudy medical attendants, in both hypothesis and clinical turn of events.

Guarantee accessibility of understudy direction and backing. Support the Vision and Mission of the Grounds by serving on boards of trustees, joining in, and partaking in gatherings and Grounds exercises. Advance the picture of the Grounds. Execute evaluation procedures to decide understudy’s capability. Partake in research on Nursing Schooling

Notes :

All applications should be submitted online with a new completely finished Z83 realistic from www.dpsa.gov.za and CV. In consistence with DPSA Round 19 of 2022 guaranteeing reports/capabilities might be mentioned from shortlisted up-and-comers at the latest the screening (Candidates are not expected to submit duplicates of capability and other important archives on the application however should present the new Z83 and definite Educational plan Vitae).

Download Z83 Structure

If it’s not too much trouble, ensure that the right reference number is considered the Z83 application structure. Business history should mirror the total schedule date (for example 01 April 2017) on the C.V. Express the entirety of your capabilities, preparing, and information in your CV. Work references should be Managers. It is the candidate’s liability to have unfamiliar capabilities assessed by the South African Capability Authority (SAQA).

The fruitful competitor will be exposed to Pre-work Clinical Observation directed by the Word related Wellbeing Attendant Professional (OHNP). Inadequate applications or applications got after the end date won’t be thought of. The Commonplace Legislature of Gauteng is focused on the accomplishment and support of variety in business, particularly of race, orientation, and handicap. An official prerequisite all recently named staff individuals are exposed to Work force Reasonableness Checks (PSC)- Confirmation, upon arrangement inside the Division.

This confirmation cycle involves reference makes sure that ought to be a prompt current manager, distinguish check, capabilities confirmation, and criminal record checks). Correspondence might be restricted to shortlisted up-and-comers. On the off chance that you have not been reached in something like 3 months of the end date of this promotion, if it’s not too much trouble, acknowledge that your application was fruitless. The Division holds the right not to make an arrangement for the publicized post.


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